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“Helping you take the ‘STEP’ out of your Stepfamily so you can create the BLENDED FAMILY you ENJOY!”

Want To See Less Stepfamily Problems?

"Then Have More Fun Together!"

But how? There are so many issues and not enough time!!!

"That's why we've created a JUMPSTART for you, get your free 'Stepfamily Jumpstart' now."

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Nice To Meet You,
We're Scarlett and Randall

Both products of divorce with kids, we married in 2008 and started our stepfamily journey together.

We thought we were going to do things right this time! Raise our family in church, love God, and love our family. Everything’s going to be smooth sailing from here. Right?!?

Little did we know what we were getting into. All the stepfamily challenges hit us like a train. One after another. It almost wrecked our marriage and led us to another divorce.

We found out ways to not just survive all these challenges, but to grow our faith, our relationships with our kids and have a great marriage! Interested???

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(short for Blended Family)

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We give you new episodes every Monday where we talk about stepfamily challenges and ways to avoid them or overcome them.

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Free Stepfamily Jumpstart

You can avoid and overcome a lot of your stepfamily problems by spending quality time together. But what does that look like?
We are so busy, it's hard to make that happen, so how do we do it? We created this guide to give you a jumpstart.

"Have More Fun Together, And You'll See Less Stepfamily Problems"


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Follow us on your favorite social media platforms, where we give daily stepfamily encouragement, valuable info, and bring a lot of fun along with it. This is a great place for you to stay connected with us.

"We Are Stronger Together"

“I appreciate what you and your husband are doing, the Lord is definitely using it to benefit our family! -Shaee Pena

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