Archives: Podcast

29. Enjoying the Holidays: Not Having Your Kids

‘Tis the season to be merry. But what happens when your kids are with their other parents and not with you during the holidays? Maybe you have them only for part of the time and wished you had more time with them. This can have a way of sucking the…

28. [FF] In Bed

We are talking about intimacy and the “s” word in this episode. It’s so important as a married couple to make sure you make this a priority in your marriage. When you do, you stay better connected with each other. When you’re better connected,…

27. Enjoying the Holidays: Money Blues

Mo Money, Mo Problems! (ok, sorry for the Biggie reference) Money can be another factor that can suck the joy out of the holidays. The holidays can have a way of turning our lives into a money pit. This is the second part in our Enjoying the Holidays…

26. [FF] Video Games

OK, it’s time to do those finger stretches! So many people, especially many of our kids, love video games. This can be a great way to connect with them and have fun spending time together, even if it’s not your thing. When we can find things that…

25. Enjoying the Holidays: Real Expectations

We are entering into the holiday season. This is the first episode out of three that we are focusing on keeping our joy throughout the holidays. It is so easy to let the busyness of the holidays and the stress steal our joy. We talk about real…

24. [FF] Date Crates

What if you had a date that had an element of surprise along with simplicity? Heck yea, sign me up! Dating your spouse is so important for your marriage, and your parenting and kids benefit when your marriage is strong. Although it’s easy to fall…

23. Parenting Wins

It’s easy to focus on all the problems we see, and most of us don’t take time to reflect on the good we’ve done. Being able to take time and reflect on some of your wins in your family is very powerful at building encouragement and hope. This is…

22. [FF] I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Some of us love dancing and all the others secretly want to love dancing. When we were kids we would dance around like we just don’t care, but as we get older we start letting the insecurities creep in. What if you could learn how to have fun…

21. Parenting Fails

Some quote Edison saying, “I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb.” (and I would say he was pretty successful!) It’s easy to be hard on ourselves when we mess up parenting, or even to admit…

20. [FF] Outdoor Movie Night

Let’s move the movie to the outside and make a date with it. This was another date night idea from our book. We scratched it off and it said watch a movie in your backyard. We invited our kids and let them pick out a movie. We then took ideas from…